Healthy Mind Healthy Matter
Nutrition therapist-east/west healing-HERBALIST

Create Your New Story of Health


Nutrition Plans

We will take a history of your personal needs and challenges with nutrition and build a plan that is both healthy and "doable" .We will keep in mind lifestyle and resources to maintain your new plan so it fits best and works. There is always a solution that can help you feel like you can succeed at your goals for better health.

East/West Healing

At our office we have found the fastest way to harmonize the body is to take a multi-pronged approach to well being. We utilize techniques such as breath work, stretching, exercise, relaxation in many forms from the best resources that are offered from all ends of the earth.

Herbal Remedies

When we need a little help overcoming conditions that affect our health, herbs can often be used. Based on your unique symptoms and our knowledge of plants, remedies will be carefully chosen to aid in any care your healthcare professional may be recommending for your unique needs.

Meet Kristine Walker

Kristine, received training in Nutrition Therapy in Denver, Colorado in 2011 and furthered her formal training by adding training as an Herbalist in 2021 when she returned to Minnesota where she currently resides. She has always had a desire to help others through nutrition and herbs as she learned to overcome many of her own life challenges through self teaching alongside of her formal training.

Along with Nutrition and Herbal studies she also incorporates many healing modalities such as Qigong, meditation, cell salt therapy, and healing stonework to name a few of the tools at her hands. She likes to take a hands on, person to person approach to benefit those lives she touches.

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Contact us

If you would like to contact us with any questions or concerns, please do!


Sun. closed- Mon. thru Fri. 8am to 5pm- Sat. by appointment only